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Children Playing Football

COVID-19 Guidelines

Pandemic Guideline for Returning to Play Phase III 

Visiting teams should review for parking and MWVSC field locations (PDF)

2020 Return To Play Guidelines (PDF)

It is the desire of Mount Washington Valley Soccer Club to continue to engage our players, parents, and communities in the game of soccer in the safest manner possible. With that goal in mind we must balance our responsibility to safeguard against possible abuses and our commitment to limiting exposure to communicable disease. All MWVSC Participants should commit to adhering to the guidelines included below in compliance with Phase III of NHSA Return to Play Protocol as well as the current NH Stay at Home Guidelines 2.0.


  • Continue to follow all business practices and safety protocols outlined in Phases 1 & 2.

  • Spectators should be socially distant on the sidelines. 

  • Use hand sanitizer after each practice and game.  

  • Only coaches will handle the equipment. 

  • No benches will be available. 

  • Sharing of water bottles is not permitted.  

Follow all business practices and safety protocols outlined in Phase 2 with the following adaptations:

  • Team/group-based training, scrimmages, games, tournaments/jamborees may take place as outlined in the NH Soccer League guidelines.

  • Only teams and athletes from within New England may participate.

  • Face coverings/masks are required at events of 100+ people per the State of New Hampshire. 

  • Continue to follow all business practices and safety protocols outlined in Phases 1 & 2.

  • Face coverings/masks are required at events of 100+ people per the State of New Hampshire.

Activities permitted in Phase Two 

  • Practice/training sessions of single teams on each field.

  • And no more than 10 players/coaches present on adjoining fields.

Coach Responsibilities 

  • Ensure that all participants must have the MWVSC Communicable Disease Waiver on file PRIOR to participation.

  • Ensure that ALL sessions should have 2 or more approved adults (SafeSport Cert & Background Checked) present at all times.

  • Alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol must be readily made

  • available to staff and athletes and kept with staff and equipment at all times.

  • Frequent hand hygiene should be required including, but not limited to, hand hygiene upon arrival, before and after meals or snacks, before and after going to the bathroom, before and after touching a person’s face or face covering, and prior to leaving the event.

  • Activities should be limited in size (e.g. 3 v. 3 or 4 v. 4) so as to avoid large groups competing in a small space.

  • It is highly recommended that activities last no more than one (1) hour. Fatigue brought on by physical activity renders an individual more vulnerable to the virus. Excessive activities, especially in the heat of the summer, should be avoided. 

  • Coaches alone shall be permitted to touch training equipment (discs, cones, etc.) 

  • Physical contact outside the game must be strictly avoided. 

  • Players must use their own soccer ball. There will be no throw-ins and no activity will include picking up a ball with your hands. Players will be discouraged from handling any soccer ball other than their own.

  • Sharing of bibs and pinnies are not allowed.  Our club is asking all players to purchase reversible (blue/white) bibs at  They are now a required part of our uniform kit. 

Player Responsibilities 

  • Players should observe social distancing when not in play. 

  • Players shall be required to wash or sanitize their hands prior to and after training

  • Players must wash their clothes immediately upon returning home. 

  • Players must NOT share drinks, food, equipment or clothing at any time. 

  • Contact outside of play (e.g. high 5s, hugs, etc.) shall be avoided at all times. 

  • Players should wear masks to and from the field.  (Covering nose and mouth)


Spectators shall keep masks on at the field and moving to and from the field. 

Only two spectators per person are allowed at the field.

Prior to any session, stay home if your child has:

  • Fever of 100 degrees or higher

  • Chills or repeated shaking with chills

  • Sore throat

  • Difficulty breathing/shortness of breath

  • Unexplained muscle aches

  • New Cough

  • New loss of senses or taste

  • New runny nose of nasal congestion

  • Vomiting or diarrhea 

  • Purchase reversible (blue/white) bibs at  They are not a required part of our uniform kit.  

  • Parents should have hand sanitizer available for their children before and after each session. 

  • Parents shall remain in their cars during all activities. They may not congregate at or around the field. If they leave their car for any reason (e.g. to use a restroom) they must wear a face mask and observe social distancing if suggested under local/state guidelines. 

  • Should parents feel the need to communicate with a coach, it must be done via telecommunications or email. 

  • Parents should check the player's temperature before every activity. If the temperature is above normal, keep the player home. 

  • Ensure your child’s clothes/equipment are clean and/or sanitized before every activity.

  • Notify your club if your child becomes ill for any reason. 


Additional Resources:

Center for Disease Control

State of New Hampshire

State of New Hampshire COVID-19 Business Resources

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